We personally hand-pick qualified loving nanny candidates that fit your specific family needs…trust our years of experience to find your family a loving nanny!
Orange County and Los Angeles Nanny Placements Include:
- Phone consultation by a Loving Nannies placement specialist to assess your unique family needs
- Nanny search based on exactly what your family is looking for. We will search for nannies that live near you, have worked with your child(ren’s) age group, those who can do you days/hours and who are in your price range).
- Qualified nanny candidates profiles for you to review and consider
- Verified documented reference searches for your peace of mind
- Thorough background checks on all hired candidates that include a social security trace, name alias search, address history, 7 year criminal and sex offender search as well as in-house county criminal searches in the main counties the nanny has resided in. If the nanny already has Trustline (government background check that nannies only need to do once which is immediately updated in the system), then the nanny won’t need any additional checks and you will receive a print out of her updated Trustline for your records.
- Salary negotiations
- Client/Nanny contract
- Referral to a nanny household and tax employment service for nanny payroll services
- Your personal nanny placement specialist will give you their direct cell phone so that you can call or text anytime for any questions or help before, during and after you’ve hired your nanny.
Ready to start your nanny search? Click on the Orange County and Los Angeles Family Application and Agreement to get started or call 323-352-9200.
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